Sunday, September 7, 2008

Being the Change: Obama/Biden

I want Obama and Biden  to win in November.  If you understand, you don't need to ask me why.  If you don't understand, I want to help you see why you should want this change.  Let's open a dialogue about how we can elect this new leadership for the United States of America in November.  Let's be the change.


Middle Ditch said...

Found you!!!!! Great!

I'm for Obama too.

I can't wait to see the election results.

Barb McGuire said...

I am soooo ready to see the end of this administration. It would be so unfortunate if McCain Palin get in - same old, same old.
Dick and I are headed for the Obama campaign hdqtrs as soon as we get back to Phx.

sgam artist said...

with ya all the way mom...